Buy Display Credit To Boost Your Visibility
What is a "Display Credit"
Sponsored display credits or (BOOST PACK) are priority view of your creation that you can buy in order to advertise them. Indeed, these will appear first in the spaces provided for this purpose, on the pages of categories, collections and the corresponding searches.

These credits therefore increase your visibility and increase the chances of sales on Anka. The count is done as follows: Each time a visitor views a page of a product highlighted, 1 display credit is consumed per product.
For example, if a visitor sees 3 pages with 10 of your sponsored products on it, this will make 30 (3x10) display credits used.
Buy Display Credit
To buy a Boost Pack go here :

Mobile view

The different types of boost pack
There are 3 types of Boost Packs
The classic Boost Pack
It allows you to advertise your creation on Anka by appearing as a priority in visitors search result
The social media Boost Pack
It highlights your creation on the site and on Anka's social network.
With this pack your visibility is not only limited to your community and visitors to your store, you reach a wider audience already interested in Anka and most likely to buy.
We will promote your products on Facebook and posts that perform well on Facebook will then be posted for free on Instagram.
The Boost Pack Newsletter
This Boost Pack promotes your creation to subscribers of the Anka Newsletter. It provides a wider distribution and increases prospects visit to your store.
Highlight your creations
In the "highlight" space we strongly recommend that you sort the creations by "Best Sellers" in order to prioritize the creations that sell the most.
If you don't have enough products sold, you can still filter by popularity or sales.

Next, you will need to click on 'highlight' for the creations you would like to boost

Our advice to sell better with boost packs
Select only the creations that have sold, visibility is not enough to sell so it is imperative to choose creations that have already been successful.
Choose a limited number of creations, if you have taken the 10 euros boost pack it is recommended to select a maximum of 5 creations, for the rest the best return of investment is between 6 and 15 products.
To boost new creations, also integrate best sellers as they will attract visitors to your store and generate sales on other products.
Updated on: 10/01/2025
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