Articles on: Shop on Anka

Change my password

If for any reason, you need to change your password, follow these steps:

A. You are logged in to account

Go to your account and click on "**My profile**". Then click on "**Credentials**" or scroll down to the box "**Account**". You can now enter your new password in the "**Password**" and "**Password confirmation**" tabs. Enter your new password and click on "**Update**".

B.You forgot your password

You can reset your password this way:

1- Click on ?Forgot password? on the log in page

2- Enter the email used for your Afrikrea account
3- Check you inbox

You should get an email from [[email protected]](/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#620a070e1222030c09034c0304100b0103) to reset your password.

4- Click on the link "**Change my password**" in the email and reset your password.

You should get a second email confirming that your password has been reset.

If you do not get the reset email

. Check if it is not in your spams or unwanted emails

. If you are using Gmail, please check your social media and promotion tabs

If you are still having issues, you can contact us at [[email protected]](/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#fc9499908cbc9d92979dd29d9a8e959f9d)

Updated on: 10/01/2025

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