Fees modality for the ANKA Visa card
You can find below the details of the fees for the Anka Visa card. (https://storage.crisp.chat/users/PopularHow to use your Anka card
You can find all the steps on how to activate your new card and transfer your money here : How to register your new card Before you can use your card, you will receive a message that will confirm the registration of your card. From that moment the card is in your name and ready to use. How to activate your internet banking Kindly follow the steps below: Click on the link: https://www.gtpsecurecard.com/BIB/Login.aspx NB: The link in theSome readersThe advantages of the Anka card
The Anka card will allow you to meet many of your needs: Make immediate payouts on your VISA card You will have the ability to instantly credit your card via your ANKA wallet, then withdraw the money anywhere in the world. If you still do not have your Anka card, please make your request by filling the form here : https://anka-afk.typeform.com/to/gQNIun8Y Easily circulate your funds around the world The funds on your card can be used in Africa and internationally With your AnkaSome readers